How to Make a Killer SEO Strategy For 2022

How to Make a Killer SEO Strategy For 2022

Thursday, 17 March 2022 | 4 minutes read

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of the most popular marketing tools in the world right now, and it's here to stay for the long run. Believe it or not, 47% of Australian companies don't have a website, let alone an SEO strategy!

Well, that's great news for any readers looking to boost their strategies, as that means there will be less competition in your way. This year is bound to be the best year for any SEO strategy, and we're here to tell you why!

Let's talk about how to get the most out of your SEO strategy for 2022 and beyond!

Important SEO Updates

In 2021, we saw a few key updates to Google's algorithm that are important to note for this year. We won't spend much time on this, but there are a few key updates to note.

First, Google is cracking down on low-quality content and paid links. Bringing your website up to date and eliminating fluff from your content is critical.

Second, Google is prioritizing mobile-friendly websites, leading more websites to adopt the "mobile-first" strategy. The majority of web traffic comes from mobile devices, so optimizing for mobile-first is becoming the new normal.

Lastly, with the "page experience update", websites need to focus more on the user experience (UX) features of their websites, including their navigation systems, loading times, UX features, and page structure.

SEO Forecasts for 2022

Now that we know some of the most important updates, let's talk about how SEO strategists are responding. Here are some of the anticipated changes this year!

Search Query

One of the most notable changes in SEO strategies is that content marketers are adjusting their keywords for voice search. If you're looking for fast information, you'll typically search a simple keyword into Google like "weather" instead of "Okay, Google, what's the weather forecast for today?"

With the rise of voice search, more businesses are learning to adapt their keyword strategies to meet the voice query targets of their audience. While this isn't relevant to every industry, it's worth noting!

Greater Use of AI

For better or for worse, expect your competition to use more AI-generated content, analytics tools, and more sophisticated AI in their overall SEO strategy.

However, this opens a door for those looking to get ahead. Google will eventually recognise lower-quality AI-generated content and penalise them. This could be a great opportunity to get ahead!

Different Styles of Content

More frequently, websites are turning to alternative styles of content from the traditional blog. Video content, audio content (podcasts, online radio, etc.), visual imagery, and interactive content are becoming more popular.

Also, more websites are using UX tools to help their users get the information they want, which can help drive more engagement and interactions with their sites. Tables of contents, charts, and directories are a few examples.

How to Develop an SEO Strategy for 2022

Now that we understand some of the factors that may change SEO this year, it's time to talk about how to develop an SEO strategy that works.

While there are many techniques people can use, there are some important elements that need to remain consistent.
So, what makes a good SEO strategy? Let's find out!

Understand Your Market

Whether you're trying to work with the New Parliament building, other businesses, or younger consumers, take some extra time during the new year to get in touch with them. Updated market research is essential for successful content marketing.

Continue Focusing on Quality Content

From Google's perspective, they simply want to match the highest quality, most relevant content with their users' searches and intent. No matter what update comes, promoting quality content is always the way to protect your strategy.

If your website or content marketing strategy is currently lagging behind, then it's time to meet today's standards. If you're happy with the work you're producing but are waiting to see SEO results, don't give up.

It takes time for an SEO strategy to develop, anywhere from four to twelve months for most websites. Google will reward quality content in a matter of time.

Develop New Techniques

Without sacrificing quality, you can try to develop a new SEO plan to test in 2022. For example, the "skyscraper" strategy is showing great results for those using it.

If you're unfamiliar, the term was coined by an American SEO expert, and it's used to describe one large, long-form (skyscraper) piece of content that towers over your similar content. If the smaller (silo) pieces of content match the keywords, it will help establish your authority on the topic and Google will hopefully learn to promote the skyscraper piece!

Alternatively, you can try skipping the line by creating new types of content! There's nothing to say that you have to stick to a blog, so if you're up for a challenge, try video content, infographics, interactive content, or anything you want!
While these are just a few examples, you can always talk to an SEO consultant and see which strategies would work best for your business.

Find the Right SEO Services

Lastly, there is no DIY equivalent to professional SEO services. The field is becoming too competitive across most industries, and the only way to stand out is with a professional website with great content.

Also, if you're operating in or around Canberra, then you'll want an agency that understands the local trends and business needs of the area!

Don't hesitate to ask questions about their experience with your industry, case studies, strategies, and pricing. When you find the right SEO agency, you want to eliminate the "guessing game" and watch your strategy grow.

Keep Ranking

Now that you know the most important aspects of an SEO strategy for 2022, you can start building a unique strategy that stands out from the competition. Remember, SEO takes time to build, so don't wait if you want to see results in 2022!

Keep reading our blog for our latest digital marketing tips, and feel free to contact us with any questions or for help with your strategy!


Arthur Choi

Arthur Choi

SEO Strategist

70% technical SEO, 30% offsite optimisation. Loves to strategise and build organic SEO campaigns for plumbers, excavators and e-commerce clients.


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