Why Should Canberran Businesses Hire SEOs?

Why Should Canberran Businesses Hire SEOs?

Thursday, 02 June 2022 | 4 minutes read

Today's digital age, an era of widespread access to technology and information, is rife with businesses competing for a share in the market. More and more entrepreneurs realise the advantages of a consistent online presence. For a spot in their chosen industry, they need to tap into various online resources and effectively present themselves to their target audience. That's why it's often not enough to simply have a website. In this information-driven era, websites optimised for search engines have a better chance of competing and expanding.

But the unfortunate truth is not all Canberran businesses have the luxury of time to optimise their websites on their own. Optimisation efforts require in-depth knowledge, the use of complex tools and constant monitoring, which may take away their focus from core business functions. Business owners can't be everywhere at once.

This is where an SEO company in Australia comes in. Hiring a team of individuals who know the ins and outs of web optimisation and search engine marketing will benefit you in more ways than one. We note down the advantages of hiring a Canberra SEO.

Solid Online Presence

Businesses hire SEO companies mainly to improve their online presence and increase traffic to their website. To accomplish this, specialists start by conducting a website audit, which helps identify problems affecting your website from doing well in search results. Web pages are vulnerable to several factors and issues that seem trivial, like insufficient content, broken links and the absence of header tags for example, actually have a deeper impact on your website's overall search performance.

SEO specialists also analyse your competitors to come up with an action plan that is most effective at improving your ranking. After a careful assessment of your site's areas of concern, they know what techniques to use for specific problems. Such techniques run the gamut from high quality link building (obtaining backlinks from reputable and related sources) to researching relevant keywords for your web content with the end goal of attracting customers and prospects who are interested in your products and services.

Websites with a good online presence rank high on search results pages. Studies show that appearing on the first page of major search engines like Google can increase traffic and visibility by up to 10%, with over 25% of people clicking on the first page of the Google search results. This means more profit for your business and opportunities for expansion!

Better Brand Reputation

When you hire an SEO company Australia, you have the desire to grow your brand and make it known to a wider audience. With the right strategies in place, search engine optimisation may help you reach out to sectors beyond your target market segments. Influential sectors like online media sites and industry experts could be your ticket to more exposure and credibility.

And if you are consistent with your SEO efforts, you will see your website ranking gradually rising through time. You will eventually rank for high-traffic keywords, getting mentions and interactions from fellow specialists and important stakeholders. Your growing brand reputation will serve to advertise your products or services and bring in more sales for your company.

Return on Investment

Entrepreneurs always seek a return on their investment to get back their capital and run their business for a long time. The right SEO services in Canberra will help you increase your gains by weeding out marketing campaigns that no longer work to your advantage. SEO specialists focus on campaigns that offer the best return on investment (ROI) for your company.

A quick run-through of strategies that drive ROI:

  • Build a mobile-friendly website or improve existing site to make it more mobile-responsive;
  • Maximise the use of long-tail and short-tail keywords and keyword variations;
  • Optimise for a local audience through local listings and keyword geotagging;
  • Create more long form content with in-depth information on a given topic;
  • Re-optimise old content by updating keywords, adding new information, and removing anything outdated.

Incorporate these strategies into your digital marketing campaign and you will see a marked difference in your rankings and search results performance. Your ROI is essential as it helps you streamline your campaign, measure its effectiveness and zoom in on strategies that produce the best results.  

Custom SEO Services for Canberran Businesses

More than 90% of a user's online experience begins with a search engine. Businesses with a working SEO campaign capitalise on these user search queries to attract leads and convert them into actual sales. SEO is not only cost-effective with measurable results, but it also drives quality traffic to your website while boosting your online presence and increasing awareness towards your brand. It offers one of the best ways to achieve ROI, ensuring long-term success for all kinds of businesses.

Interested in starting off a comprehensive SEO campaign? Email us or consult our in-house SEO specialists over the phone. Consultations are non-obligatory. Secure your company's future by investing in SEO today! Let us know your plan and we can get started anytime.


Arthur Choi

Arthur Choi

SEO Strategist

70% technical SEO, 30% offsite optimisation. Loves to strategise and build organic SEO campaigns for plumbers, excavators and e-commerce clients.


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